Daniel Jacob Becker, MD

Daniel Jacob Becker, MD

Daniel Jacob Becker, MD

  • Section Chief for Hematology and Oncology – VA-NYHHS, Manhattan Campus
  • Co-investigator – John and Daria Barry Prostate Cancer Center of Excellence at the VA-NYHHS

Daniel Becker is the Section Chief for Hematology and Oncology at the VA-NYHHS, Manhattan Campus conducts health services and clinical research to increase veteran access to precision oncology.

His work is funded by a Career Development Award from VA Health Services Research and Development, the Prostate Cancer Foundation, and industry partners.  Ongoing studies are working to identify barriers to precision oncology, facilitate veteran entry into precision clinical trials, and increase adherence to guideline based molecularly targeted care in our local center, and nationwide.

He serves as a Co-investigator in the John and Daria Barry Prostate Cancer Center of Excellence at the VA-NYHHS.


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