About Us
The Non-Profit Research Corporation for the Department of Veteran Affairs New York Harbor Healthcare System.
Established to provide a flexible funding mechanism for the conduct of VA approved research and education protocols, the Narrows began in 1989 with the establishment of our Management Briefing, Article of Incorporation, By-Laws, and in 1991 we earned our Tax Exempt Status as a New York State Nonprofit Research Corporation.
Our mission to support and facilitate, directly and indirectly, peer reviewed approved research and educational activities at the New York Harbor Healthcare System (NYHHS) through the efficient and flexible administration of grants, contracts, gifts or bequests from medical foundations and other health related sources, drug and other for-profit companies, charitable foundations, the Public Health Service or other federal agencies, professional societies or other nonprofit entities and individuals began shortly thereafter in 2001.
We are located within the VA NYHHS Brooklyn campus and carry out our policies in accordance with Public Law100-322 (38 U.S.C., Sections 4161 to 4168) and VHA Handbook 1200.17 along with the handbook pertaining Educational Corps.; VHA Handbook 1400.2, as well as the laws and regulations of the VAMC.
We, along with the VA NYHHS, consist of the Brooklyn and Manhattan campuses, the St. Albans Community Living Center, four community based outpatient clinics (CBOCs), Vet centers in all boroughs, as well as, we are affiliated with the New York University (NYU) School of Medicine, the NYU School of Dentistry, the State University of New York (SUNY) at Downstate, the SUNY School of Optometry and Mount Sinai School of Medicine.
The Narrows, together with VA physicians and their staff and other who are involved in research throughout the VA New York Harbor Healthcare System are committed to conducting the research with the highest regard for the welfare of human subjects.
Clinical trials are the paths to create and test treatments that are more effective and less toxic. Clinical trials should not be thought of as “last resort” treatments. In fact, patients in clinical trials are often the first to take the treatments of tomorrow, the cutting edge of care; we are pleased to be able to offer our Veterans such opportunities.